Artists - DAO

Voting and subsidies

Assessing artists by voting.

You can vote for an artist's work of art, as well as support the artist by paying him ART tokens.

Votes: Each vote cast for an artist's work of art increases the artist's ranking and gives them a greater share of the company's profits. Voting costs the voter nothing, it is similar to clicking "I like it", you just need to sign such a vote for free with your wallet.

How voting works

  • the artist's work of art is given a vote

  • the votes cast increase the artist's ranking

  • position in the ranking gives the artist 5% payment of ART tokens from the company's treasury.

Subsidies: Each user can support / invest in a favored artist by paying him ART tokens. Thanks to the support, the artist can develop faster, and the investor becomes a shareholder in the profits from the works of art he sells. The artist gives 25% of the profits as dividends to the shareholders. A smart contract takes care of payments to shareholders, thanks to which investors can be sure that they will receive a dividend.

How the investment in an Artist works

  • the users become investors by paying the ART token to the selected artist

  • ART tokens as dividends for the investor are paid from the artist's treasury

  • the amount of the dividend is 25% of the artist's profit

  • the dividend in ART tokens is paid every 30 days

Last updated